A card game expansion by Teel McClanahan III, Copyright © 2014

An expansion for Paved With [my…] Intentions which adds new storylines and support for 4 more players. (Supporting up to 10 players!) Expanding on the themes of the original game, this set of cards adds your family members and pets into the mix, along with euthanasia, slavery, emotional abuse, and, due to the nature of the base set, the possibility of incest and beastiality among other taboo subjects.
The Print-and-Play edition of Paved With [my…] Intentions is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
You can get the PnP for FREE, using this link:
Games in this series:
![Paved With [my...] Intentions, a card game by Teel McClanahan III, from Modern Evil Press](http://modernevil.com/Games/PWmI_Cover.jpg)
![Have You Met [my...] Family?, a card game expansion by Teel McClanahan III, from Modern Evil Press](http://modernevil.com/Games/HYMmF_Cover.jpg)
About the Game Designer

Teel is an independent author, artist, game designer & developer, creative visionary, podcaster, and publisher.
Teel is happily married to an English teacher and they live together in Phoenix, AZ with a grumpy old cat, a skittish young cat, and hundreds of video games, board games, and card games. Have You Met [my…] Family? is the first expansion Teel has designed for one of his games, and it expands the number of stories he’s crafted to roughly 640 million—if you count every possible permutation of the cards permitted by the rules of the game. Clearly, he has gone a little crazy.