Time, emiT, and Time Again
A collection of Science Fiction short stories and essays by Teel McClanahan III
Hard science fiction written to stimulate your mind without forgetting you have a heart. In this collection of short stories and essays, each piece begins with an idea about time & an idea about love, then follow to see where they lead. Frozen time, time that flows back & forth, time modified by relativity, unrequited love, unexpected love, unconditional love, buying time, lost time & lost love.
Last Christmas
A short story of Holiday Horror by Teel McClanahan III
A story that follows Santa Claus as he prepares for and makes deliveries on a dark, post-apocalyptic Christmas Eve. At first Santa doesn’t know precisely what’s been going on all year, but slowly the pieces begin to come together to form a picture of what remains of the world. Find out whether a little Christmas magic will be enough to bring holiday cheer to a world on its last legs.
More Lost Memories
A collection of short stories by Teel McClanahan III
A collection of short stories that transform scenes from Forget What You Can’t Remember, expand and explore its settings, and answer questions left unanswered there, all while giving these stories -each unique and worthwhile on its own, but not relevant to the main story arc of that novel- the chance to exist and to entertain.